Site FTP preferences

Choose from the following Site FTP preferences to control file transfer features available in the Site window:

Enable File Check In and Check Out turns on Dreamweaver's file check and check out features. See About checking in and checking out files.

Check Out Files When Opening checks out a file when you open in it for editing from the Site window.

Show Dependent Files Dialog on Upload and Show Dependent Files Dialog on Download displays a prompt for transferring dependent files.

Disconnect After 30 Minutes Idle disconnects the remote server if no files have been transferred for the specified period of time.

Host is the address of the proxy server to which you connect if you are behind a firewall. If you are not behind a firewall, leave this space blank.

Port is the port through which you connect to the FTP server. If you connect through a port other than 21 (the default for FTP), enter the number here.